WP_20141019_002Kingfishers were out in force on Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19, volunteering in multiple areas at the 25th Anniversary Wooden Boat Show.  The weather was absolutely perfect and Front Street was thronged with visitors on both days.

Our Statistics class designed a survey for the Georgetown Business Association to help them determine where WBS visitors are coming from and how they spend their money here. Students walked up and down Front Street with their clipboards and canvassed about 400 visitors.  “I had to interview someone in French,” said Nathan,  “He was from Montreal.”  Isabella said, “It is really cool that we are known that far away and I thought it was interesting that we had to talk to a bunch of different people and find out how far they had come.”   Students are currently compiling and analyzing the data they collected.

Second, our students helped out at the Children’s Activities in Constitution Park.  They did face-painting and  helped kids play corn-hole and other games.  “There was one little boy who almost fell asleep while I was painting his face,” said Savanna. “He was so adorable!”

WP_20141018_001Third, we sold the WBS 25th Anniversary Retrospective at the Sponsors’ Tent and at the tee shirt tent.  People are overwhelmingly positive about the quality and content of the book, produced by our Journalism students this past year.  The WBS even presented us with an award expressing their appreciation for the students’ hard work at the Banquet Saturday night!



Fourth, two students were recruited to be the new Goat Mascot at the Friday night Regatta.  Josh actually wore the costume and Nathan was his “goatherd,” since the costume is difficult to see out of.  “That goat costume is awesome but really hot,” said Josh, who did his usual great job as mascot.

Thank you so much to the Wooden Boat Show for preserving the maritime history of Georgetown and for making every third weekend in October a fun and memorable experience.  Our students have made many new friends!  We appreciate the opportunities you have given to our students to gain real-life experience in so many areas and we look forward to helping you out however we can in the future.